Tips for Choosing the Right Wedding Venue

When it comes time to choose the wedding venue, many brides are indecisive or may have more than one they are in love with. It’s big decision, and a bride should have no time to make the right decision; the one she will be happy with and no second-guessing! The following tips will help you ensure that you’re choosing the right wedding venue for you!

Consider Your Theme

If you have your heart set on a theme, then you’ll want to consider that theme when choosing your venue. For instance, if you want your wedding theme to be rustic, country wedding and you’re stuck choosing between a ritzy ball room venue or a luxury barn venue, the barn venue would fit the theme better. By considering the things you’re simply not willing to sacrifice (the theme, etc.) you can really narrow down your choices and pick the one that you will love the most.

Estimating the Guest List Size

Another important thing to consider when trying to determine the perfect venue is the guest list size. Even if you don’t have a final count, chances are you have a rough estimate in your head or a maximum number of guests. Use this as you consider your venue. Many venues have a maximum capacity so you’re going to want to choose a venue that suits your guest list size and doesn’t leave anyone out in the cold!

Budget Considerations

The venue is one of the most expensive parts of any wedding, so often times a venue will need to be chosen based on what the budget looks like. Those who really need to stretch their budget as far as possible will want to stick with low-priced or even free venue. There are free venue options in many towns, so it’s worth a quick Google search and a little asking around before making a decision.

The Rules and Terms

Before deciding on any venue, it’s essential that you ask about the rules and terms of use. Many brides would be surprised at some of the things included in a terms of use list. For instance, due to insurance purposes, many venues will not allow candles with actual flames and flameless, battery-operated candles must be used. Other venues will not allow the party to play certain types of music or participate in certain types of events. It is absolutely important to look this information over before choosing.

When you follow these guidelines, you’ll be surprised at how quickly your choices for the perfect wedding venue get narrowed down. What’s the most important thing you’re looking for in a wedding venue? Let us know in the comments below!

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